Heave! Sigh! Wow! It's March 2nd and here I am. It's difficult to imagine that I will never enter the doors of my little cottage by the lake again after 25 years of doing so...change is as good as the rest 'they' say, whoever 'they' are anyway...
Life. My partner and I have chosen to 'consolidate' after 7 years of back and forth between our respective homes and after getting downsized, and having difficulty securing work, it was decided to sell my home, pay off debts and move in with my honey. He's a bit overwhelmed though as even though we both knew how much 'stuff' I had, once it came into his place and his garage...well.
I have given a lot of 'stuff' away and plan on doing another round once we unpack etc. here, but in the interim, at least I was able to set up my "work and play" area here! During all of this, I also began working in a frame shop which is very interesting and will enable me to 'frame' my own artwork with professional materials and quality! It's just enough hours to put towards my 'living' here and give me 'time' to continue to create and be involved in my 'art'. Sigh, so happy about that!
So, I'll be putting this place together slower that I had to 'move' out of my place or we'll see what happens. H's place needs some TLC, but it has some great bones. A beautiful century home with 10' ceilings, so it's got 'space' original crown moldings, wooden floors and doors, so it's got a cozy feeling. A new kitchen and a new bathroom, which of course happen to be the two most expensive rooms in any home to renovate! Sigh, onward we go! March! My birthday month too!
I will make a separate post with March's stones.