Thursday, October 26, 2006

My "Rosy" Place

Hey Everybody! cool!, I have my own space in Never-Never-Land!
I chose the "Rose" template because I love pink! Rose quartz is my favorite "mineral" too. Not just for it's meta-physical properties, but because of it's color.

I am an avid "Rock-hound". Been an amateur for most of my life, however, since I went to Bancroft Ontario 6years ago and attended their annual Rock festival called "Gemboree", I have been goo-goo for minerals and gems and have not looked at a rock the same way since.

I'm going to post stuff like this and information about my other interests along with links to help further.
What I mean by that is I'm a champion of Natural Healing Therapies, and home therapies and Homeopathic remedies, what ever you call it. I do not advocate Synthetic Drugs to aid in curing disease! ALL THEY DO IS BAND-AID the issue, not cure it. And if you are lucky to be cured by one then you a lucky one for sure. Most people on medications end up suffering various other 'breakdowns' because of the side effects of taking the drug to begin with.

Okay, I'll talk about Cancer and the "authentic" and various cures that are out there and being used by more people than the Cancer Society will admit too. Cancer is a big business, that' s for sure.

Wow, for such an "advanced society and technology" more people die today of disease than they did 50 years ago. Not to mention that people do not "decay" like they once did either. There is a major concern over "plots" because people's bodies are so full of chemicals, their bodies are literally taking longer to decompose! Oh well. a natural mummy-method! I just told everybody that it certainly would make for a colorful light show for those who get creamated! Haha.

Anyway, I'll post some documents for Cesium Therapy, Budwig Diet, Greens, Rifte Technology, Ozone Therapy, Electrical and vibration therapy etc.

Also any Health sites that I subscribe too. I get referrals from these, I won't lie, however, I do not take a product that I haven't done research on and their references/background too!
We can't even trust our naturoceuticals ie. vitamins, to give us the RDA or better equivalent!
What we get is a little filled with ...fillers! ie. rice powder, geletin, artificial sweeteners etc.

Got to get to bed now! Good Night and I love you all!